Christ Church Episcopal, Norcross, GA
Sermon on John 20:19-31 given while serving as Deacon & Seminarian

Second Sunday in Easter – Year C RCL 

Acts 5:27-32, Revelation 1:4-8 & John 20:19-31

Last week, Ceci began her Easter sermon not with the joy of the resurrection, but first, she invited us to imagine the despair and confusion the disciples must have felt that first Easter morning. Although it’s impossible for us to fully imagine their feelings, participation in Holy Week allowed us to try…

Palm Sunday began with the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, with palm branches and hosannas. Yet, moments later, it quickly shifted to the Passion story, where we ourselves took part in the taunting cries of “Crucify Him!” On Maundy Thursday we remembered Jesus as servant, and then, followed his example by washing one another’s feet. In this act we embodied God’s message that we are to love one another. But then the tone shifted as the lights dimmed and the altar was stripped bare, like Jesus himself before his own crucifixion. On Friday we endured the three-hour vigil at the foot of the cross. Then that night, through a dramatic presentation, we were brought face-to-face with the agonizing walk and excruciating death of Jesus, ending with his burial in the tomb. On Saturday, we mourned.

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